Monday, November 3, 2008


Half-way done! Last week marked the midway point for our quarter, and I'm still in shock that we've been through half the material already. Classes are so fast-paced. Last week was rather uneventful in terms of extra-curricular activities. Everyone is feeling the pressures associated with being halfway through the quarter. Professors continue to increase our workloads and if people haven't started outlining yet, they certainly are feeling the push to do so soon. Sometimes I feel like I'm barely keeping my head above water (well, most of the time I feel that way). There is a constant feeling of restlessness because there is always some kind of work to be done. Every minute is weighed against some other interest for later--if I take 30 minutes to eat lunch rather than 15 and then spend the last 15 studying, that's another 15 I'll have to stay up tonight...hmm...let's eat and study at the same time.

I started dealing with some feelings of complacency this last week (laziness mixed with perpetual exhaustion) and I'm very thankful to God for using Adrian to help guide me and speak truth to me. We've had some great talks and time in the Word in the last few days about humility and reverence for the Lord and the blessings he gives us, which have certainly helped me get my perspective back on track. I'm so thankful that God doesn't get mad at us when we don't give him 100%, but that he always continues to love us and blesses us with little helpers to bring us back to his path.

I have finally started to realize just how close finals are and how inadequately I am prepared for such an occasion. I have been at the library every night until about 12 or 1 and I'm still behind. I discovered the awesomeness that is the "Chai Tea Latte." (shout out to Kimber) However, after realizing how much money I have been investing in caffeinated beverages at school, I have made an attempt to teach myself how to make them at home and I must say, I have been very successful. Living on a budget really teaches you to improvise.

As I mentioned in my last post, we are beginning to prepare for job application season. I met with my adviser today to discuss my resume and cover letter. I am now in the process of targeting my letters for each firm to which I am applying. If anyone has connections with Houston law firms, please let me know. I can use ANY help I can get. The 1L market for big law firm jobs is very tight, but again, thanks to Adrian, I have a few connections that I'm hoping will pay off. I'm also exploring other options for summer employment (working in one of the clinics at school, applying to be a research assistant for a professor, etc.) Please keep that issue in your prayers over the next few months. We are allowed to send out our applications on Dec. 1, so pray that employers' hearts will be open to my applications and that I will be prepared to send them all out at that point.

At present, my bed is calling my name, so I shall update you again soon!

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