Wednesday, September 22, 2010

School Time!

It's that time of year again, friends. Time to stop being a couch potato and start being a student again. And I am a little (okay, a lot) sad to say, this coming Monday will be the very last first day of school I will ever have (as far as I can foresee).

For the last 2 years that I've been in law school, I have had nightmares in the days leading up to the first day of school. Nightmares that I'll miss class, that I'll forget to enroll, that I will simply show up to class unprepared (a big deal in some law school classes). This year is the same. It's 4 days until school starts, but I've already had nightmares. I have to say, this is all pretty weird because I have always loved school. I guess there's just something about law school that stresses me out.

What some of you may also know is that this will be my first school year without my honey being here with me. He graduated in the spring and will begin working in November. There will be lots of differences between this school year and the others, but I am excited for the new challenges that this year will bring. 3L year is supposed to be the easiest year, since most people have already accepted full-time job offers and are less involved in extracurriculars than our 2L counterparts. For me, however, it will definitely be challenging in certain ways.

I have resolved that this year, rather than stressing about all the changes, I am going to be super positive and excited about what God has to teach me about time management, patience, dedication, and reliance on Him.

I found this little picture online and I think it's quite appropriate:

Since I love to bake, whenever I start feeling stress coming on, rather than being stressed, I'll just think of desserts instead. It's all about perspective. You look at it front-wards and it's a yucky word, but just look at it from a different angle and all of a sudden it's a wonderful thing. I feel like most situations have a positive side if you just look at it from the right angle.

My new angle: I may be missing my honey, but I get to spend lots of time with my friends here before we all head our separate ways upon graduation. Classes are still hard, but since I'll have so much time to myself, I'll be able to really focus on doing well in my classes! Also, since I have a more open schedule this year, I am going to be leading a Bible study!

So all in all, I am pretty excited for this next year. :)

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