Monday, August 20, 2012

{happy anniversary}

I can hardly believe it.  Today marks the one year anniversary of the day I got to be joined as one to my best friend.  It is truly unreal to me that it's already been a year, but I can confidently say that it has been the most exciting year of my life thus far. 

There really aren't enough words to express how thankful I am that God gave me Adrian as the man I get to share my life with.  There aren't enough words to explain how truly kind and patient (my, is he patient) and wise and to-the-core sincere this man is.  Nor are there enough words to describe how humbling it is to feel so deeply loved by my husband, and to know that even as great as that love is, the love I feel from him is only a reflection of how much God loves me.  

Getting to experience all of these different characteristics that Adrian has exhibited as a husband (kindness, patience, sincerity and endless love, among others) has deepened my appreciation for God's love and has opened my eyes to so many aspects of God's character that I never fully appreciated before.  And I think that's exactly what God wants from marriage--the husband is to lead the wife, not to be above her or below her but to guide her, to love her as Christ loved the church (what a standard to aspire to!) and to help her learn more about God's character by the way he loves her.  I can only hope that as his helper, I have been able to encourage Adrian in his walk as much as he has encouraged me in this last year.  

So today, a big "Thank You" to my sweet husband for a wonderful first year.  You set the bar high and I look forward to seeing what the next year brings.  I love you!

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